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After training a model, you probably want to make predictions on new, unseen data. Just like a sklearn estimator, you can call the prediction methods from the model, e.g., atom.tree.predict(X).

All prediction methods transform the provided data through the pipeline in the model's branch before making the predictions. Transformers that should only be applied on the training set are excluded from this step (e.g., outlier pruning or class balancing).

The available prediction methods are the standard methods for predictors in sklearn's and sktime's API.

For classification and regression tasks:

decision_functionGet confidence scores on new data or existing rows.
predictGet predictions on new data or existing rows.
predict_log_probaGet class log-probabilities on new data or existing rows.
predict_probaGet class probabilities on new data or existing rows.
scoreGet a metric score on new data.

For forecast tasks:

predictGet predictions on new data or existing rows.
predict_intervalGet prediction intervals on new data or existing rows.
predict_probaGet probabilistic forecasts on new data or existing rows.
predict_quantilesGet quantile forecasts on new data or existing rows.
predict_varGet variance forecasts on new data or existing rows.
scoreGet a metric score on new data.


The score method return atom's metric score, not the metric returned by sklearn/sktime's score method for predictors. Use the method's metric parameter to calculate a different metric.


  • The output of ATOM's methods are pandas objects, not numpy arrays.
  • The predict_proba method of some meta-estimators for multioutput tasks (such as MultioutputClassifier) return 3 dimensions, namely, a list of arrays with shape=(n_samples, n_classes). One array per target column. Since ATOM's prediction methods return pandas objects, such 3-dimensional arrays are converted to a multiindex pd.DataFrame, where the first level of the row indices are the target columns, and the second level are the classes.
  • The prediction results are cached after the first call to avoid consequent expensive calculations. This mechanism can increase the size of the instance for large datasets. Use the clear method to free the memory.

It's also possible to get the prediction for a specific row or rows in the dataset. See the row and column selection section in the user guide to learn how to select the rows, e.g., atom.rf.predict("test") or atom.rf.predict_proba(range(100)).


For forecast models, prediction on rows follow the ForecastingHorizon API. That means that using the row index works, but for example using atom.arima.predict(1) returns the prediction on the first row of the test set (instead of the second row of the train set).