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ATOM provides many plotting methods to analyze the data or compare the model performances. Descriptions and examples can be found in the API section. ATOM mainly uses the plotly library for plotting. Plotly makes interactive, publication-quality graphs that are rendered using html. Some plots require other libraries like matplotlib, shap, wordcloud and schemdraw.

Plots that compare model performances (methods with the models parameter) can be called directly from atom, e.g. atom.plot_roc(), or from one of the models, e.g. atom.adab.plot_roc(). If called from atom, use the models parameter to specify which models to plot. If called from a specific model, it makes the plot only for that model and the models parameter becomes unavailable.

Plots that analyze the data (methods without the models parameter) can only be called from atom, and not from the models.


Apart from the plot-specific parameters, all plots have five parameters in common:

  • The title parameter adds a title to the plot. The default value doesn't show any title. Provide a configuration (as dictionary) to customize its appearance, e.g. title=dict(text="Awesome plot", color="red"). Read more in plotly's documentation.
  • The legend parameter is used to show/hide, position or customize the plot's legend. Provide a configuration (as dictionary) to customize its appearance (e.g. legend=dict(title="Title for legend", title_font_color="red")) or choose one of the following locations:

    • upper left
    • upper right
    • lower left
    • lower right
    • upper center
    • lower center
    • center left
    • center right
    • center
    • out: Position the legend outside the axis, on the right hand side. This is plotly's default position. Note that this shrinks the size of the axis to fit both legend and axes in the specified figsize.
  • The figsize parameter adjust the plot's size.

  • The filename parameter is used to save the plot.
  • The display parameter determines whether to show or return the plot.


The plot's aesthetics can be customized using the plot attributes, e.g. atom.title_fontsize = 30. The default values are:

  • palette: ["rgb(0, 98, 98)", "rgb(56, 166, 165)", "rgb(115, 175, 72)", "rgb(237, 173, 8)", "rgb(225, 124, 5)", "rgb(204, 80, 62)", "rgb(148, 52, 110)", "rgb(111, 64, 112)", "rgb(102, 102, 102)"]
  • title_fontsize: 24
  • label_fontsize: 16
  • tick_fontsize: 12

Use atom's update_layout method to further customize the plot's aesthetics using any of plotly's layout properties, e.g. atom.update_layout(template="plotly_dark"). Use the reset_aesthetics method to reset the aesthetics to their default value. See advanced plotting for various examples.


Use the canvas method to draw multiple plots side by side, for example to make it easier to compare similar results. The canvas method is a @contextmanager, i.e. it's used through Python's with command. Plots in a canvas ignore the legend, figsize, filename and display parameters. Instead, specify these parameters in the canvas. If a variable is assigned to the canvas (e.g. with atom.canvas() as fig), it yields the resulting figure.

For example, we can use a canvas to compare the results of a XGBoost and LightGBM model on the train and test set. We could also draw the lines for both models in the same axes, but that would clutter the plot too much. Click here for more examples.

>>> from atom import ATOMClassifier
>>> import pandas as pd

>>> X = pd.read_csv("./examples/datasets/weatherAUS.csv")

>>> atom = ATOMClassifier(X, y="RainTomorrow")
>>> atom.impute()
>>> atom.encode()
>>>["xgb", "lgb"])

>>> with atom.canvas(2, 2, title="XGBoost vs LightGBM"):
...     atom.xgb.plot_roc(dataset="both", title="ROC - XGBoost")
...     atom.lgb.plot_roc(dataset="both", title="ROC - LightGBM")
...     atom.xgb.plot_prc(dataset="both", title="PRC - XGBoost")
...     atom.lgb.plot_prc(dataset="both", title="PRC - LightGBM")


The SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) python package uses a game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. It connects optimal credit allocation with local explanations using the classic Shapley values from game theory and their related extensions. ATOM implements methods to plot 7 of SHAP's plotting functions directly from its API. A list of available shap plots can be found here.

Calculating the Shapley values is computationally expensive, especially for model agnostic explainers like Permutation. To avoid having to recalculate the values for every plot, ATOM stores the shapley values internally after the first calculation, and access them later when needed again.


Since the plot figures are not made by ATOM, note the following:

  • It's not possible to draw multiple models in the same figure. Selecting more than one model will raise an exception. To avoid this, call the plot directly from a model, e.g.
  • The returned plot is a matplotlib figure, not plotly's.

Available plots

A list of available plots can be found hereunder. Note that not all plots can be called from every class and that their availability can depend on the task at hand.

Feature selection plots

plot_componentsPlot the explained variance ratio per component.
plot_pcaPlot the explained variance ratio vs number of components.
plot_rfecvPlot the rfecv results.

Data plots

plot_correlationPlot a correlation matrix.
plot_distributionPlot column distributions.
plot_ngramsPlot n-gram frequencies.
plot_qqPlot a quantile-quantile plot.
plot_relationshipsPlot pairwise relationships in a dataset.
plot_wordcloudPlot a wordcloud from the corpus.

Hyperparameter tuning plots

plot_edfPlot the Empirical Distribution Function of a study.
plot_hyperparameter_importancePlot a model's hyperparameter importance.
plot_hyperparametersPlot hyperparameter relationships in a study.
plot_parallel_coordinatePlot high-dimensional parameter relationships in a study.
plot_pareto_frontPlot the Pareto front of a study.
plot_slicePlot the parameter relationship in a study.
plot_trialsPlot the hyperparameter tuning trials.

Prediction plots

plot_calibrationPlot the calibration curve for a binary classifier.
plot_confusion_matrixPlot a model's confusion matrix.
plot_detPlot the Detection Error Tradeoff curve.
plot_errorsPlot a model's prediction errors.
plot_evalsPlot evaluation curves.
plot_feature_importancePlot a model's feature importance.
plot_gainsPlot the cumulative gains curve.
plot_learning_curvePlot the learning curve: score vs number of training samples.
plot_liftPlot the lift curve.
plot_parshapPlot the partial correlation of shap values.
plot_partial_dependencePlot the partial dependence of features.
plot_permutation_importancePlot the feature permutation importance of models.
plot_pipelinePlot a diagram of the pipeline.
plot_prcPlot the precision-recall curve.
plot_probabilitiesPlot the probability distribution of the target classes.
plot_residualsPlot a model's residuals.
plot_resultsPlot the model results.
plot_rocPlot the Receiver Operating Characteristics curve.
plot_successive_halvingPlot scores per iteration of the successive halving.
plot_thresholdPlot metric performances against threshold values.

Shap plots

plot_shap_barPlot SHAP's bar plot.
plot_shap_beeswarmPlot SHAP's beeswarm plot.
plot_shap_decisionPlot SHAP's decision plot.
plot_shap_forcePlot SHAP's force plot.
plot_shap_heatmapPlot SHAP's heatmap plot.
plot_shap_scatterPlot SHAP's scatter plot.
plot_shap_waterfallPlot SHAP's waterfall plot.