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Logging & Tracking


To start logging your experiments, fill the logger parameter with the name or path to store the logging file. If automatic naming is used, the file is saved using the __name__ of the class followed by the timestamp of the logger's creation, e.g. ATOMClassifier_11May21_20h11m03s. The logging file contains method calls, all printed messages to stdout with maximum verbosity, and any exception raised during running. Additionally, the logging entries of external libraries are redirected to the same file handler.


ATOM uses MLflow Tracking as a backend API and UI for logging models, parameters, pipelines, data and plots. Start tracking your experiments assigning a name to the experiment parameter. Every model is tracked using a separate run. When no backend is configured, the data is stored locally at ./mlruns. To configure the backend, use mlflow.set_tracking_uri in your notebook or IDE before initializing atom. This does not affect the currently active run (if one exists), but takes effect for successive runs. Run mlflow ui on your terminal to open MLflow's Tracking UI and view it at http://localhost:5000.


When using ATOM on Databricks, the experiment's name should include the complete path to the storage, e.g. /Users/


>>> from atom import ATOMClassifier
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer

>>> X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)

>>> atom = ATOMClassifier(X, y, experiment="breast_cancer")
>>>["LR", "RF", "LGB"], n_trials=(0, 0, 10))


DAGsHub integration

ATOM has a build-in integration with DAGsHub, a web platform based on open source tools, optimized for data science and oriented towards the open source community. To store your mlflow experiments in a DAGsHub repo, type dagshub:<experiment_name> in the experiment parameter (instead of just the experiment's name). If the repo does not already exist, a new public repo is created.


If you are logged into your DAGsHub account when initializing atom with a dagshub experiment, a page on your web browser is automatically opened to give access permissions. If not, read here how to set up your DAGsHub credentials.


>>> from atom import ATOMClassifier
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer

>>> X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)

>>> atom = ATOMClassifier(X, y, experiment="dagshub:breast_cancer")
>>>["LR", "RF"])


Tracked elements

The runs are automatically tagged with the model's full name, the branch from which the model was trained, and the time it took to fit the model. Add additional custom tags through the ht_params parameter, e.g.["LR", "RF"], ht_params={"tags": {"tag1": 1}}).

All parameters used by the estimator at initialization are tracked. Additional parameters passed to the fit method are not tracked.

The model's estimator is stored as artifact. The estimator has to be compatible with the mlflow.sklearn, module. This option can be switched off using atom's log_model attribute, e.g. atom.log_model = False.

Hyperparameter tuning
If hyperparameter tuning is performed, every trial is tracked as a nested run in the model's main run. This option can be switched off using atom's log_ht attribute, e.g. atom.log_ht = False. The data and pipeline options are never stored within nested runs.

All metric results are tracked, not only during training, but also when the evaluate method is called at a later point. Metrics calculated during in-training validation are also stored.

The train and test sets used to fit and evaluate the model can be stored as .csv files to the run's artifacts. This option can be switched on using atom's log_data attribute, e.g. atom.log_data = True.

The model's pipeline (returned from the export_pipeline method) can be stored as an artifact. This option can be switched on using atom's log_pipeline attribute, e.g. atom.log_pipeline = True.

By default, plots are stored as .html artifacts in all runs corresponding to the models that are showed in the plot. If the filename parameter is specified, they are stored under that name, else the method's name is used. This option can be switched off using atom's log_plots attribute, e.g. atom.log_plots = False.