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Accelerating pipelines

CPU acceleration

With the Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn package (or sklearnex, for brevity) you can accelerate your sklearn models and transformers, keeping full conformance with sklearn's API. Sklearnex is a free software AI accelerator that offers you a way to make sklearn code 10–100 times faster. The software acceleration is achieved through the use of vector instructions, IA hardware-specific memory optimizations, threading, and optimizations for all upcoming Intel platforms at launch time.

Select engine="sklearnex" in atom's constructor to make use of this feature. See here an example.


  • Operating System:
    • Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc...)
    • Windows 8.1+
    • macOS
  • CPU:
    • Processor must have x86 architecture.
    • Processor must support at least one of SSE2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512 instruction sets.
    • ARM* architecture is not supported.
  • Libraries:
    • sklearnex>=2021.6.3 (automatically installed with atom when the processor has x86 architecture)


  • Intel® processors provide better performance than other CPUs.

Supported estimators



GPU acceleration

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can significantly accelerate calculations for preprocessing steps or training machine learning models. Training models involves compute-intensive matrix multiplications and other operations that can take advantage of a GPU's massively parallel architecture. Training on large datasets can take hours to run on a single processor. However, if you offload those tasks to a GPU, you can reduce training time to minutes instead.

Training transformers and models in atom using a GPU is as easy as initializing the instance with parameter device="gpu". The device parameter accepts any string that follows the SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER filter selector. Examples are:

  • device="cpu" (use CPU)
  • device="gpu" (use default GPU)
  • device="gpu:0" (use first GPU)
  • device="gpu:1" (use second GPU)

Use the engine parameter to choose between the cuML and sklearnex execution engines. The XGBoost, LightGBM and CatBoost models come with their own GPU engine. Setting device="gpu" is sufficient to accelerate them with GPU, regardless of the engine parameter.


  • GPU accelerated estimators almost never support sparse datasets. Refer to their respective documentation to check which ones do.
  • GPU accelerated estimators often use slightly different hyperparameters than their CPU counterparts.
  • ATOM does not support multi-GPU training. If there is more than one GPU on the machine and the device parameter does not specify which one to use, the first one is used by default.


SageMaker Studio Lab

Train a model on a GPU yourself using SageMaker Studio Lab. Just click on the badge above and run the notebook! Make sure to choose the GPU compute type.


  • Operating System:
    • Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or CentOS 7/8 with gcc/++ 9.0+
    • Windows 10+ with WSL2 (see here a tutorial)
  • GPU:
    • For sklearnex: All Intel® integrated and discrete GPUs.
    • For cuML: NVIDIA Pascal™ or better with compute capability 6.0+
  • Drivers:
    • For sklearnex: Intel® GPU drivers.
    • For cuML: CUDA & NVIDIA Drivers of versions 11.0, 11.2, 11.4 or 11.5
  • Libraries:
    • sklearnex>=2021.6.3 (automatically installed with atom when the processor has x86 architecture)
    • cuML>=22.10

Supported estimators



Parallel execution

Another way to accelerate your pipelines is executing processes in parallel. Use the backend parameter to select one of several parallelization backends.

  • loky: Used by default, can induce some communication and memory overhead when exchanging input and output data with the worker Python processes. On some rare systems (such as Pyiodide), the loky backend may not be available.
  • multiprocessing: Previous process-based backend based on multiprocessing.Pool. Less robust than loky.
  • threading: Very low-overhead backend but it suffers from the Python Global Interpreter Lock if the called function relies a lot on Python objects. It's mostly useful when the execution bottleneck is a compiled extension that explicitly releases the GIL (for instance a Cython loop wrapped in a "with nogil" block or an expensive call to a library such as numpy).
  • ray: Ray is an open-source unified compute framework that makes it easy to scale AI and Python workloads. Read more about Ray here. Selecting the ray backend also parallelizes the data using modin, a multi-threading, drop-in replacement for pandas, that uses Ray as backend. See here an example use case.


Using modin can be considerably less performant than pandas for small datasets (<3M rows).

The parallelization backend is applied in the following cases:

  • In every individual estimator that uses parallelization internally.
  • To calculate cross-validated results during hyperparameter tuning.
  • To train multiple models in parallel (when the trainer's parallel parameter is True).
  • To calculate partial dependencies in plot_partial_dependence.


The njobs parameter sets the number of cores for the individual models as well as for parallel training. You won't gain much training two models in parallel with 2 cores, when the models also parallelize computations internally. Instead, use parallel training for models that can't parallelize their training (their constructor doesn't have the n_jobs parameter).