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Data cleaning

More often than not, you'll need to do some data cleaning before fitting your dataset to a model. Usually, this involves importing different libraries and writing many lines of code. Since ATOM is all about fast exploration and experimentation, it provides various data cleaning classes to apply the most common transformations fast and easy.


All of atom's data cleaning methods automatically adopt the relevant transformer attributes (n_jobs, verbose, logger, random_state) from atom. A different choice can be added as parameter to the method call, e.g. atom.scale(verbose=2).


Like the add method, the data cleaning methods accept the columns parameter to only transform a subset of the dataset's features, e.g. atom.scale(columns=[0, 1]).

Scaling the feature set

Standardization of a dataset is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators; they might behave badly if the individual features do not more or less look like standard normally distributed data (e.g. Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance). The Scaler class let you quickly scale atom's dataset using one of sklearn's scalers. It can be accessed from atom through the scale method.


Use atom's scaled attribute to check whether the dataset is scaled.


All strategies can utilize GPU speed-up. Click here for further information about GPU implementation.

Making Gaussian-like features

Use the Gauss class to transform the feature set to follow a Gaussian-like (or normal) distribution. In general, data must be transformed when using models that assume normality in the residuals. Examples of such models are Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Gaussian Naive Bayes. The class can be accessed from atom through the gauss method.


Use atom's plot_distribution method to examine a column's distribution.

Standard data cleaning

There are many data cleaning steps that are useful to perform on any dataset before modelling. These are general rules that apply almost on every use-case and every task. The Cleaner class is a convenient tool to apply such steps. It can be accessed from atom through the clean method. Use the class' parameters to choose which transformations to perform. The available steps are:

  • Drop columns with specific data types.
  • Strip categorical features from white spaces.
  • Drop categorical columns with maximal cardinality.
  • Drop columns with minimum cardinality.
  • Drop duplicate rows.
  • Drop rows with missing values in the target column.
  • Encode the target column.

Imputing missing values

For various reasons, many real world datasets contain missing values, often encoded as blanks, NaNs or other placeholders. Such datasets however are incompatible with ATOM's models which assume that all values in an array are numerical, and that all have and hold meaning. The Imputer class handles missing values in the dataset by either dropping or imputing the value. It can be accessed from atom through the impute method.


Use atom's missing attribute to check the amount of missing values per column.

Binning numerical features

Discretization (otherwise known as quantization or binning) provides a way to partition continuous features into discrete values. Certain datasets with continuous features may benefit from discretization, because discretization can transform the dataset of continuous attributes to one with only nominal attributes. Discretization is similar to constructing histograms for continuous data. However, histograms focus on counting features which fall into particular bins, whereas discretization focuses on assigning feature values to these bins. The Discretizer class can be used to bin continuous data into intervals. It can be accessed from atom through the discretize method.

Encoding categorical features

Many datasets contain categorical features. Their variables are typically stored as text values which represent various classes. Some examples include color (“Red”, “Yellow”, “Blue”), size (“Small”, “Medium”, “Large”) or geographic designations (city or country). Regardless of what the value is used for, the challenge is determining how to use this data in the analysis. The majority of sklearn's models don't support direct manipulation of this kind of data. Use the Encoder class to encode categorical features to numerical values. It can be accessed from atom through the encode method.

There are many strategies to encode categorical columns. The Encoder class applies one strategy or another depending on the number of classes in the column to be encoded. When there are only two, the values are encoded with 0 or 1. When there are more than two, the columns can be encoded using one-hot encoding or any other strategy of the category-encoders package, depending on the value of the max_onehot parameter. One-hot encodes the column making a dummy feature for every class. This approach preserves all the information but increases the size of the dataset considerably, making it often an undesirable strategy for high cardinality features. Other strategies like LeaveOneOut transform the column in place.


Use atom's categorical attribute for a list of the categorical features in the dataset.

Handling outliers

When modelling, it is important to clean the data sample to ensure that the observations best represent the problem. Sometimes a dataset can contain extreme values that are outside the range of what is expected and unlike the other data. These are called outliers. Often, machine learning modelling and model skill in general can be improved by understanding and even removing these outlier samples. The Pruner class offers 7 different strategies to detect outliers (described hereunder). It can be accessed from atom through the prune method.


Use atom's outliers attribute to check the number of outliers per column.

The z-score of a value in the dataset is defined as the number of standard deviations by which the value is above or below the mean of the column. Values above or below a certain threshold (specified with the parameter max_sigma) are considered outliers. Note that, contrary to the rest of the strategies, this approach selects outlier values, not outlier samples! Because of this, it is possible to replace the outlier value instead of dropping the entire sample.

Isolation Forest
Uses a tree-based anomaly detection algorithm. It is based on modeling the normal data in such a way as to isolate anomalies that are both few and different in the feature space. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

Elliptic Envelope
If the input variables have a Gaussian distribution, then simple statistical methods can be used to detect outliers. For example, if the dataset has two input variables and both are Gaussian, the feature space forms a multidimensional Gaussian, and knowledge of this distribution can be used to identify values far from the distribution. This approach can be generalized by defining a hypersphere (ellipsoid) that covers the normal data, and data that falls outside this shape is considered an outlier. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

Local Outlier Factor
A simple approach to identifying outliers is to locate those examples that are far from the other examples in the feature space. This can work well for feature spaces with low dimensionality (few features) but becomes less reliable as the number of features is increased. The local outlier factor is a technique that attempts to harness the idea of nearest neighbors for outlier detection. Each example is assigned a score of how isolated or how likely it is to be outliers based on the size of its local neighborhood. Those examples with the largest score are more likely to be outliers. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

One-class SVM
The support vector machine algorithm, initially developed for binary classification tasks, can also be used for one-class classification. When modeling one class, the algorithm captures the density of the majority class and classifies examples on the extremes of the density function as outliers. This modification of SVM is referred to as One-Class SVM. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

The DBSCAN algorithm views clusters as areas of high density separated by areas of low density. Due to this rather generic view, clusters found by DBSCAN can be any shape, as opposed to k-means which assumes that clusters are convex shaped. Samples that lie outside any cluster are considered outliers. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

The OPTICS algorithm shares many similarities with the DBSCAN algorithm, and can be considered a generalization of DBSCAN that relaxes the eps requirement from a single value to a value range. The key difference between DBSCAN and OPTICS is that the OPTICS algorithm builds a reachability graph, and a spot within the cluster ordering. These two attributes are assigned when the model is fitted, and are used to determine cluster membership. Read more in sklearn's documentation.

Balancing the data

One of the common issues found in datasets that are used for classification is imbalanced classes. Data imbalance usually reflects an unequal distribution of classes within a dataset. For example, in a credit card fraud detection dataset, most of the transactions are non-fraud, and a very few cases are fraud. This leaves us with a very unbalanced ratio of fraud vs non-fraud cases. The Balancer class can oversample the minority class or undersample the majority class using any of the transformers implemented in the imblearn package. It can be accessed from atom through the balance method.

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